if() | Returns one value if the condition is true, or the other value if the condition is false. | if(5 > 3, "Yes", "No") = Yes |
ifs() | Evaluates multiple conditions and returns the value of the first true condition. | ifs(5 > 3, "Yes", 5 < 3, "No") = Yes |
let() | Allows you to create a variable and use it in an expression. | let(x, 5, x * 3) = 15 |
lets() | Allows you to create multiple variables and use them in an expression. | lets(x, 5, y, 3, x + y) = 8 |
empty() | Returns true if the value is empty (0, "", []). | empty("") = true |
equal() | Returns true if two values are equal. | equal(5, 5) = true |
unequal() | Returns true if two values are unequal. | unequal(5, 10) = true |